How Mobile Marketing Ruling today’s marketing?

In this digital era, Mobile marketing is exploding like dynamite. Reaching customers on a Smartphone or other hand-held device is one of the best strategies for today's marketers. And it isn't just growing; it's booming. So, as a marketer you know it is highly effective in enticing consumers to buy what you have to sell. Marketers in real time use mobile to reach customers quickly. And customers use their smart phones and tablets to communicate, shop, search, travel, play, read, and discover, from dusk to dawn.
The proof that mobile usage are surging in popularity isn't just in knowing there are 1.4 billion Smartphones in use around the world; the evidence lies in the latest research on how and why customers and marketers are crazy about their mobile devices. Using of mobile device is the most viable option and the marketers need to make adjustments towards this medium as many of their target customers possess these devices. The extensive use of mobile devices among these customers is a growing and crucial part of today’s market. It helps the marketers to unlock the potential held in the massive, captive, expanding, and engaged audience.

Significance of Mobile Marketing to Businesses:

Ø  Social media offers a platform for adverts
Ø  Mobile Advertising Reaches New and Broad Audiences
Ø  Retailers are Getting Mobile Arrangements Wrongly
Ø  Mobile Devices are Growing Online Growth
Ø  Google Advice Retailers to Use Mobile Marketing
Ø  It is Personal
Ø  You Have the Chance Of Hitting Them Time and Again
Ø  It is Getting Costlier With Time
Ø  You Have the Chance Of Hitting Them Time and Again
Ø  It is Getting Costlier With Time
Ø  Mobile Advertising Opens Up Possibilities and Virtual Realities
Ø  Mobile Marketing is Large and Has Taken Charge
Ø  Availability of quick services anytime
Ø  Mobile has become an irremovable part of life
Ø  Mobile is not only utilized for E-shopping but also utilized in physical store
Ø  SMS Marketing
Ø  Mobile search index is primary for Ranking
Ø  Significance of Mobile advertisement

How is this important to your business?

ü  Well, most, if not all, of your customers have mobile phones.
ü  Most people carry them at all times and are using them constantly to locate local products, services, and businesses.
ü  Most web surfers now use their mobile phones simply due to convenience.
ü  Therefore, it is crucial that you partake in this powerful form of marketing so you can reach directly out to them.
ü  Most people are vaguely familiar with the real aspects involved in this method of advertising and promotion though it is most used term in current market.
ü  This is a new breed of marketing; so it is at least important to understand the different types of Mobile Marketing methods available to you so you can decide which ones your business could most benefit from.

What Do Top Marketers Think About Mobile?

Ø  68% of companies have integrated mobile marketing into their overall strategy
Ø  79% of marketers believe mobile is essential for their business
Ø  77% of marketers say mobile generates return on investment
Ø  71% of marketers believe mobile marketing is core to their business
Ø  The two most popular ways companies are optimizing for mobiles are (1) using a simple template that works for all devices (52%) and (2) creating a mobile responsive email template (39%)

Different types of Mobile Marketing Strategies:

Mobile marketing is one of the trending marketing techniques adapted as a future marketing weapon by the marketers for their product or services. Currently more and more people are using mobile due to which mobile marketing is in trend as an SEO strategy. The following mentioned are the popular mobile marketing strategies implemented in Search Engine Optimization:
*      App-based Marketing via Google AdMob
*      In-game Mobile Marketing that displays ads within game as a banner or image pop-up
*      SMS Marketing
*      MMS Marketing
*      Quick Response(QR) Code Marketing aligned with gamification
*      Location Based Service Marketing displays mobile ad to user in a specific location
*      Push Notification Marketing
*      Mobile search Google ads built for mobiles
*      App-based marketing
*      In-game Mobile Marketing
*      Location-based Mobile Marketing
*      Mobile search Ads
*      Mobile Image Ads

Final thought on Mobile Marketing:

Mobile marketing possess an ability to encompass any means of communication for brand message via a mobile device, either with in-app and mobile web adverts, app monetization strategies, social channels, push notifications, SMS campaigns….while digital advertising is limited to side panel ad space or at best native ads, mobile as a platform enables much more room for marketing creativity. Whether a whole brand is entirely mobile initial, like app developers and publishers, or simply obtaining started with mobile in its overall selling strategy.
